2012년 12월 4일 화요일

The world is going wrong.

The world is going absolutely wrong way.
Today morning, I saw the news that one black guy pushed Korean to the rail road while train is coming in the subway station, New York. The more shocking thing is, furthermore, a stupid newspaper dealt with this photo on a front page.
Check this out.
 I can't believe my eyes that human do this such a cruel thing for their interests. Why would they do this? They don't care about his family and other people who loved him. They use this photo just for the gossip.
Of course as you can assume, he is dead. Yes. DOOMED!. Now are you guys satisfied with people's interst about your news paper?

We can't blame just this newspaper nor America. We have to blame the world we live in. Because the world is Definately going wrong. I'm not angry because he is Korean but because human did this for money.

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