2012년 11월 11일 일요일

After reading "IL PRINCIPE(The Prince)"

At last I finished reading 'IL PRINCIPE' written by Niccolò Machiavelli. In this book, He tried to explain how to be a good King. Not just saying that you should be a kind and humble king but saying sometimes you should be a brutal king to keep his seat. This book was written to give practical advice to his king so, he totally ignored ordinary people's right or opinion.
 In modern days, if we consider big company or government as a king (figuratively) we will realize that big authorities use this kind of principle to hold this world in their hands. Machiavelli said,for instance, a king should choose the group of people (whether nobles or citizens) who they satisfy. He insist that it was hard to satisfy both of that group so if a king wanted to keep his power he should choose one side. As we think of this, in korea, big authorities (especially government) seem to choose nobles(big company) not citizens(ordinary people who mostly live in this country). The gap between the rich and the poor(Inequality) is becoming bigger. Although some people can say this is because of global economic crisis and it is global phenamenon, I think it is just a excuse to justify their interest from higher authorities.(It is hard to find people who are really in poverty and in danger with money ,saying this kind of explain. They just blame government. Is it really because that they are idiot or lack of information?)

 책을 한권 한권 읽을 수록 세상에 대한 궁금증은 커지고 그 궁금증을 해결하기 위해선 조금 더 많은 책을 읽어야 겠다. 지금시대에 우리에게 필요한건 어떤 군주일까?

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