2012년 12월 25일 화요일

How to change the world?

 I am Korean. I live in Korea. I grew up here for more than 20yrs and I did the service for the country. However I don't like the country I live. I hate the system we've got and the way of think people have. Every time when I spoke with people I got told " You can't live in Korea. You better live in other country."
 I know I have lots of hatred(well this word is too strong to express) against this system. People live in this country are so obssessed with lots of things that only shows out fitures like appearace, social status, money etc. Young children who will be the future of country fight each other and compete to get good marks in lots of exams. People who are looking for a job start to study TOEIC for score, not learning actual English skills.
 Despite this, I love Korea. This country is where I was born and where my beloved people live. This country has full of enthusiasm and full of spirits that inspires all over the world.
 Should we change this society little bit better, Our children would live in the better Korea.

People say to me
 " If you want to change this world, what will you do? what can you do?"

 My answer for their question is this.
 " I will be the global leader or someone who can affect the world even if it is a school teacher."

 Change can start from the Top. Top leaders as if president, UN Secretery general or prime minister can change the world. They have an enough power to make the country move forward or backward. One top tyrant can kill thousands of people or can give a life to thousands of people. One word they speech can affect the whole society.
 I want to change the world? then All I have to do is just be the Top leader like this.

 Also Change can start from the Bottom. One small child like Malala in Pakistan change the country. Teachers who teach the future of the world can lead children to become leaders like I said. Ordinary people who use internet can get rid of tyranny and bring the Democracy like 'Arabs' spring'

 The people who can change the world are Dreamers who want to change the world and always be against the 'status quo'.

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